Unit 25

 5 secondary research methods

- A Weblink 

Advantages of using a weblink as a way of research. The use of the welink is very useful as web links can be extremely easy to understand and they can pack dense information on one page, an disadvantage is that some people may find it hard to find their way out on the weblink as there can be many tabs you have to open to get to your desired page.

-Use of the Internet 

Advantages the Internet is easily accessible as many people have access to the internet as its a common thing most people have. The disadvantage is that some things you read online might not be true so you'll always have to use a trusted and reliable source  


Advantage of using newspaper is that it is easily accessible and extremely cheap to access. The disadvantage of using the newspaper is that they can be easily biased on one side for example the newspaper article could make someone look bad just because they support a different political party

KTA 6: Secondary sources 


PA media group informs people by story telling they have multiple post talking about stories there a multiple types of media that are on PA media groups website for example videos, newspaper and weblinks.



Reuters is a weblink that's formatted in a way that makes it looks like a newspaper this extremely useful as many people are used to the layout of a newspaper



Getty media company is a conglomerate company that is known for their images they own many other media companies.


-BBC archive

BBC archive manages one of the worlds largest multi media archive in the world their mission is to preserve the media that exist today to hope that it can be re-used in the future 


-BFI archve

The BFI collects British and British-related films and TV programmes. They aim to acquire all British feature films that have been released into cinemas.



Flickr is a popular photo sharing and hosting site it had really advanced features, it supports an active engaged community where people can share and explore others posts



Instagram is a free photo and video sharing application that is available on apple ios and android the application is extremely easy too use because to upload one photo you only have to press one button.



Twitter is a microblogging site that allows you to make small messages called tweets these 'tweets' can be upto 140 characters long and can include links to other websites



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